Move In/Out Cleaning

Cleaning Service You Can Trust!

Our move-in/out cleaning services will make your move much easier!

Taskforce Cleaning Services

Moving into a new property can be stressful and time-consuming. Therefore, cleaning your new place should be at the top of your to-do list. Taskforce Cleaning offers top-quality move-cleaning services that will provide a thorough pre-move-in cleaning or move-out cleaning and help make the transition seamless and stress-free.

Moving Is Hard, So Why Take On The Cleaning Too?

We are here to help you make your move as stress-free as possible. Whether you’re moving in or out, we’ll ensure your new or old home looks its best. Trust us to give your home the thorough clean it needs to make your move a success

Moving Out?

You do the packing and leave the cleaning to us!

When you're moving out, the last thing you want to think about is tidying up your old space. Our move-out cleanings are thorough, top-to-bottom cleanings that ensure every nook and cranny of your old home is shining and spotless. 

Moving Into A New Place?

Let us get it clean, sanitized and ready for you to move in!

Hiring a professional cleaning company for a move-in cleaning service is an important step in getting settled in to your new place. Our cleaning technicians will remove the dirt, grime, and dust left behind by the previous occupant. We guarantee that all surfaces are thoroughly sanitized and disinfected so you can move into your new home with peace of mind.

Get A fast FREE Quote

Hey there! At Taskforce Cleaning Services we use SMS texts on our day to day activities because sometimes It's just easier to send you a text instead of calling (i.e a reminder for a cleaning) 😄 We promise we're not going to send you any spam messages! By submitting this inquiry, you agree to receive communications by text message about my inquiry. You may opt-out by replying STOP or ask for more information by replying HELP. Message frequency varies. Message and data rates may apply. You may review our Privacy Policy to learn how your data is used.

We'll take $50 off of your initial cleaning when you schedule weekly or biweekly cleaning services.

Our Services

Service Areas: Everett, MA Malden, Melrose, Saugus, Boston, Stoneham, Woburn, Arlington, Lexington, Bedford, MA, & surrounding communities.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Our Move Cleaning Services

New home cleaning in Everett, MA

Yes, we will need the house or apartment empty of all furnishings to clean. If a few items will still be in the home, just let us know.

It's not necessary that you be at the property while our professional maids perform a move-in/out cleaning, but if you would rather be there, that's fine with us. Otherwise, feel free to use this time to spend preparing for your move, packing, or catching up on some much needed rest!

Our high-quality move-out cleaning services will definitely help you present your property in the best light to your landlord or leasing company. However, their specific requirements will vary. Taskforce Cleaning does not repair damage to rental units.

We recommend you schedule your move-in/out cleaning as far in advance as possible, giving us at least a month's notice. Our schedules fill up quick, so don't wait until the last minute. Book your service today!

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Hey there! At Taskforce Cleaning Services we use SMS texts on our day to day activities because sometimes It's just easier to send you a text instead of calling (i.e a reminder for a cleaning) 😄 We promise we're not going to send you any spam messages! By submitting this inquiry, you agree to receive communications by text message about my inquiry. You may opt-out by replying STOP or ask for more information by replying HELP. Message frequency varies. Message and data rates may apply. You may review our Privacy Policy to learn how your data is used.

You're Going To Love Your Clean House!